Tuesday, April 22, 2008

TV Turn-off Week

Happy TV Turn-off Week to all! We are having a lot of fun going TV-free (and computer-game-free) for the week. This evening we were outside playing "steal the bacon" with Monkeyboy for a good 45 minutes--what a blast. Beanie doesn't understand how to play, but he gets in on it by running around pretending he's flying (complete with "whoosh" sound effects). Usually, after dinner we are all in our own worlds--DH (dear husband) playing computer games, Beanie and Monkeyboy watching TV, and me doing dishes or laundry. Turning off the electronics made us be more creative at finding something to do. Now that it stays light later, we can be outside after dinner, but we rarely think of it. I also enjoy sitting around reading with my DH after the boys go to sleep--I find the silence and lack of background noise refreshing (and I am a major TV addict---I'm a news junkie, and also have my favorite trashy reality shows). We are liking it so much we are thinking of making it one week every month! [Blogging is exempt from the ban, though--gotta say my piece!]

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