Tuesday, April 29, 2008


There is more to caring about children than simply devoting myself to the welfare of my own children, or even those of my larger circle of friends or community. It's more than volunteering in my children's schools, or getting them to appointments and lessons, or sending them to camp. In order to really stand up for children, I must advocate for the welfare of all children.

Advocacy for children as an Early Childhood Education (ECE) professional or parent includes not only advocating for the children in one’s home, classroom or center, but advocating for all children. Though I am not currently teaching, I keep informed as to the issues regarding early childhood care, and contact my legislators as appropriate. I read books, websites and newspaper articles on issues related to early childhood, and discuss them with my friends, my children’s teachers, school administrators and community leaders. I write and call my elected representatives, at the national, state and local level. I vote in every election. Children cannot vote, so it is up to concerned adults to keep these issues in the public eye. We now know so much about the importance of ECE issues, since these are critical learning years for children’s futures, Since so many children are in some form of child care or preschool now due to more mothers in the workforce, it is incumbent on all of us to advocate for quality early childhood programs. It is also cost effective for society, since every dollar spent on high quality, research-based programs saves many more dollars in the cost of later interventions.

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